Little Secrets A Christmas Carol Moisturizing Wax 210ml


A Christmas story that takes us to the world of the fairy tale from the classic novel and teaches us that the heart is only warmed by love.

So, cinnamon, honey and warm spices give us the nostalgia of freshly baked gingerbread and illuminate us with the spirit of Christmas in our hearts.

Collectible natural scented soy candle 210ml in a glass jar and lid.

USE INSTRUCTION Light the wick the first time you light the candle, let it burn for at least two hours. This will help your candle burn more evenly next time. Before lighting your candle, cut the wick. This way you help the candle to burn more slowly and without giving off the black smoke.

SECURE: Never leave a lighted candle unattended. This could be a fire hazard. Always place your candle on a heat-resistant surface, away from fabric. Do not place your candle on a marble or glass surface. If the bottom of the glass is hot and comes in contact with a cold material, the glass may break.

Soy waxes have a low melting point and melt at 39 degrees. They last up to 50% longer than paraffin candles.


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Immediate collection / Delivery 1 to 3 days
Size: 210ml
Product code LS-SC021 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , ,


Τα αρωματικά κεριά της σειράς είναι φτιαγμένα με 100% πιστοποιημένο φυτικό κερί σόγιας χωρίς φυτοφάρμακα, ζιζανιοκτόνα (Pesticide and Herbicide free certification), φέρει επίσης πιστοποίηση non-gmo (no genetically modified organisms) και τα καλύτερα ποιοτικώς αρωματικά έλαια.

Τα φυτίλια, είναι βαμβακερά, δεν περιέχουν μόλυβδο ή άλλα μέταλλα και προσφέρουν καθαρή καύση χωρίς εκπομπές αιθάλης.
Τα δοχεία τους είναι επαναχρησιμοποιούμενα αφού καθαρίζονται εύκολα με ζεστό νερό και σαπούνι.

They do not contain paraffin or other petroleum products.